Maja Sikorska

Maja Sikorska
Based in Gothenburg, Sweden
I work primarily with biomorphic forms in drawing and sculpture. For me, biomorphic art opens up a space between the known and the unknown - where the possible lives.
By combining and rethinking organic forms and materials, I want to speak to the imaginative part of the mind, whilst engaging with the body. I try to mimic materials and things that we are familiar with in a tactile way; voluptuous bodily forms, fragile and net-like skeletons of leaves, folds and draping similar to fabric, and lines that grow out like hair or veins - then twist like a root. Sharp edges and soft curves.
Many of my drawings are made with permanent pens, where I slowly build an image with thousands of thin lines. Once drawn, a line cannot be erased; only when adding and rethinking can the image move forward.
By combining and rethinking organic forms and materials, I want to speak to the imaginative part of the mind, whilst engaging with the body. I try to mimic materials and things that we are familiar with in a tactile way; voluptuous bodily forms, fragile and net-like skeletons of leaves, folds and draping similar to fabric, and lines that grow out like hair or veins - then twist like a root. Sharp edges and soft curves.
Many of my drawings are made with permanent pens, where I slowly build an image with thousands of thin lines. Once drawn, a line cannot be erased; only when adding and rethinking can the image move forward.
2016-2019 Valand Academy, BFA in Fine Art, Göteborg, Sweden
2011-2014: Dômen konstskola, Göteborg, Sweden
2014 – (present): Assistant at MEGALODON CREATIONS
2021 - (present): Gallery host at Göteborgs Konsförening
2024, 2025: Guest teacher at Domen Konstskola
2024, 2025: Artist assistant for Marcus Appelberg
2024: Artist assistant for Gunilla Bandolin
2021: Gallery host at Galleri Hammarén
2021: Sculptor for project at Teater Sesam
2020: Artist assistant for Gunilla Bandolin
2019: Artist assistant for Gunilla Bandolin
2018: Curator of surroundings, BRA 10
2017: Artist assistant for Gunilla Bandolin
2017: Speaker at Dômen konstskola
2014-2017: FIRMAN: CEO/Owner
2024: Umbra, Göteborgs Konstförening, Göteborg,Sweden
2023: Stripping the surface, Galleri KC, Göteborg, Sweden
2022: Maja Sikorska, Lilla Galleriet, Göteborg, Sweden
2022: Stripping the surface, online exhibition,
2022: FAMILIAR UNKNOWN, Galleri Hammarén, Göteborg, Sweden
2021: Familiar Unknown, Galleri SM Art, Ulricehamn, Sweden
2021: SYMBIOSIS, Galleri Frihamnstorget, Stockholm, Sweden
2018: SKÄRVOR, Galleri Hammarén, Göteborg, Sweden
2018: (untitled), Gallery Rotor 2, Göteborg, Sweden
2018: Surroundings, BRA 10, Göteborg, Sweden
2017: BLOODLINE, Galleri Monitor, Göteborg, Sweden
2017: TRANSFUZJA II (version 2), Galleri Monitor, Göteborg, Sweden
2016: TRANSFUZJA II, Lokal U12, Warszawa, Poland
2015: CORPUS, Studio 42, Göteborg, Sweden
2015: VANITAS, Konstföreningen Dymlingen, Jönköping, Sweden
2014: INRE STRUKTURER, Kafé Frilagret, Göteborg, Sweden
2014: DRA ANDAN, Frilagrets utställningshall, Göteborg, Sweden
Group Exhibithions and Biennials
2023: Medlemsutställning, Galleri 54, Göteborg,Sweden
2023: Rörelse, Galleri KC, Göteborg, Sweden
2023: MoNo, HB55 Kunstfabrik, Berlin, Germany
2022: Spring group show, Galleri Backlund, Göteborg, Sweden
2021: "vad är nytt", hosted by Nya Fabriken at Lindholmen, Göteborg, Sweden
2021: Skruvstädet i tiden / och andra berättelser, GIBCA EXTENDED, Nemeshallen, Mölnlycke Kulturhus
2020: Cash BOX digital, online exhibition hosted by Galleri BOX
2020: DecemberKalender, Galleri 54, Göteborg, Sweden
2019: BOX summer studio (part 2) at Röhsska Design festival, Göteborg, Sweden
2019: BOX summer studio, Galleri BOX, Göteborg, Sweden
2019: 1000m2, Graduate show, Gamlestadens Fabriker, Göteborg, Sweden
2018: Fragmented Bodies, Gallery Rotor 2, Göteborg, Sweden
2018: Dirty Business, Botaniska Trädgården, Göteborg, Sweden
2018: CHARTER, Temporary public exhibition, Göteborg, Sweden
2018: Välkommen till Avgrunden, Berg 211, Göteborg, Sweden
2017: CASHBOX, Galleri BOX, Göteborg, Sweden
2017: Rotor 2, Göteborg, Sweden
2017: Mountain Bike, Galleri Thomassen, Göteborg, Sweden
2017: Until I get out of here, Kulturtemplet, Göteborg, Sweden
2016: Exhibition of Unfinished Works, Galleri Monitor, Göteborg, Sweden
2016: MANIFESTA 11 , Cabaret Voltaire, Zürich, Switzerland
2016: Hotell Adyton, Ringön, Göteborg, Sweden
2015: BRA 10, Konstepidemin, Göteborg, Sweden
2015: Konstepidemin, 13 Festival, Göteborg, Sweden
2014: 9th International Biennial of Drawing Pilsen, Plzeň, Czech Republic
2014: Galleri BOX, Göteborg, Sweden
2013: Real Stars: Art For Fair Sex -event, 1200 kvadrat, Göteborg, Sweden
Västra götalands regionen
Region Halland
Uppsala kommun
Göreborgs Konstförening
Konstföreningen Spiran
2023: Konstnärsnämnden, 2 year work grant
2022: Helge Ax:son Johnsons stiftelse
2021: Konstnärsnämnden, 1 year work grant
2019: Arnulfska Stipeniefonden
2018: Adlerbertska Stipendiestiftelsen
2017: Stiftelsen Kjellbergska Flickornas Donationer
2015: K-peng, KulturUngdom
2015: (FIRMAN) K-peng, KulturUngdom
2015: (FIRMAN) En snabb slant, Göteborgs stad
2015: Jönköping Kommun Kultur & Fritidsnämnden
2014: (FIRMAN) En snabb slant, Göteborgs stad
2012: Stiftelsen Kjellbergska Flickornas Donationer
2012: Theo Och Hanne Mannheimers fond
2019: Collaboration with dancer Moa Westerlund at BOX summer studio, Galleri BOX, Göteborg, Sweden
2015, 2018, 2022, 2023: Collaboration with Marcus Appelberg, exhibitions: Vanitas, Fragmented Bodies, SKÄRVOR, and Stripping the surface.
2015: (FIRMAN) cooporation with Kultur i Väst
2014, 2016, 2017: Collaboration with Katarzyna Kochańska
Katarzyna Kochańska:
2014: (FIRMAN) cooperation with Linda Tedsdotter in her piece There ain’t no such thing as a free lunch, Blå Huset, Konstepidemin, Göteborg
Linda Tedsdotter:
2014: FIRMAN: performance group: Susanna Antonsson, Linnea Jardemark, Hanna Månsson Nord, Maja Sikorska, Marika Sanaksenaho